Quad gifs
Sled Row
Snatch Balance
American Deadlift
Dumbbell Deadlift
Speed Squats
Two-Arm Kettlebell Jerk
Lying Simultaneous Alternating Straight Leg Raise
Total Mayhem lives up to the name!
Alternating Barbell Forward Lunge
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
Self-assisted Single Leg Squat (bar)
Dumbbell Rack Carry
Front Box Squat
Drop Squat
Front Squats With Two Kettlebells
Squat with Plate Movers
Lever Single Leg Split Squat (plate loaded)
Split Squat Isometric Hold
Frog Squat
Medicine Ball Squat and Forward Throw
Forward and Backward Leg Swings
Traveling Ape
Frontal Box Jump-Down to Tuck Jump
Front Cone Hops (or hurdle hops)
Frog Jumps
Forward and Backward Bear Crawl
High Knee Run
Goblet Thrusters
Elbow-to-Foot Lunge
Staggered Lunge
Dumbbell Front Rack to Step Up
Lever Lying Leg Press (plate loaded)
Hurdle Jump
Single Leg Forward Hops
Sled Overhead Backward Walk
Frog Burpee (Beginner)
Box Jump March
Sled Overhead Triceps Extension
Single Leg Speed Hop
IT Band Foam Roll