Abs Bodyweight Front Plank Hip Adductors Iso Ab
Side Jackknife
Drop Lunge
Quadruped with Leg Lift
Full Plank Passe Twist
Duck Walk
Heel Flicks
Weighted 45° Back Extension (on hyperextension apparatus)
Elbow-to-Foot Lunge
Wall Sprawl
Lunge with Arm Reach
Lever Lying Leg Press (plate loaded)
Reverse Kettlebell Lunge
Foam Roller Reverse Crunch on Bench
Walking Leg Cradles
Lever Single Leg Seated Leg Press
Dumbbell Chop
Cable Standing Leg Raise
Barbell Sumo Block Pull
Fire Hydrant In-Out
Cable One Arm Wrist Curl
Dumbbell Ulnar Deviation
Weighted Back Raise (on hyperextension apparatus)