Fire Hydrant In-Out
Abs Bodyweight Glutes Hip Flexors
Foam Roller Reverse Crunch on Bench
Forward Walk with Band at Knees
One Half Locust
Dumbbell V-Crunch
Duck Walk
Barbell Back Extension (on hyperextension apparatus)
Hip Crossover
Lunge to Balance
Burpee to Lateral Shuffle
Full Moon
Plie Slides
Cable One Arm Standing Incline Chest Press
Bridge Frog Pump
Heel Flicks
Dumbbell Ulnar Deviation
Lever Overhead Triceps Extension
Lever Seated Leg Curl (plate loaded)
Lever Lying Leg Raise Crunch (plate loaded)
Lever Single Leg Lying Leg Press (custom - plate loaded)
Medicine Ball Overhead Chop
Side Leg Raises