Forward Band Walk
Bands Glutes Hip Abductors Knee Flexor Quads
Reverse Lunge with Reach Back
Weighted Sit-up
Wall Sprawl
Hip Flexion with Band
Lever Roller Radial Deviation
Smith Deadlift
Weighted Incline Sit-up
Cable One Arm Pushdown
Lever Lying Leg Raise Crunch (plate loaded)
One-Arm Burpee
Heel Flicks
Weighted Incline Twisting Situp (arms crossed)
Cross Chop to Knee
Quadruped with Leg Lift
Medicine Ball Scoop Throw
Quadruped Rocking
Lever Overhead Triceps Extension
Dumbbell Ulnar Deviation
Cable Side Crunch
Lever Lying Leg Curl