Hip Flexor gifs
Strict Double Kettlebell Clean
Double Kettlebell Clean
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
Sumo Squat to Stand
Hindu Squat
Half-Kneeling Rotational Chop
Half-Kneeling Rotational Reverse Chop
Half-Kneeling Rotation
Medicine Ball Single Leg Lift and Chop
Single-Leg Lowering Drill
Foot to Foot Crunch
Dumbbell Single Arm Reverse Wrist Curl
Hinge Hopper
Cable Pushdown (with V-bar)
Hammer Plate Curl
Front Knee Strike
Cable Pushdown (with back support)
High-Knee Sprint With Resistance Band
Low Cable Pull-Ins
Get Up Situp
Cable Lying Leg Raise
Dumbbell One Arm Triceps Extension (on bench)
Dumbbell Incline Triceps Extension
Weighted Sit-up
Lever Roller Wrist Extension
Quadruped Rocking
Dumbbell Goblet Back Step Lunge
Pallof Press With Rotation
Full Plank Passe Twist
Dumbbell Ulnar Deviation
Toe Touchers
Weighted Twisting Situp
Crescent Circle
Crossed-arms Crunch
Weighted Crunches (with Dumbbell)
Tabletop Dip
Superman on Swiss Ball