Crouching Tiger
Abs Back (Upper) Bodyweight Quads
Dumbbell V-Sit Cross Jab
Lever Seated Crunch
Danusia draghici
McGill Curl-Up
Decline Bench Knee Raise
Dumbbell Triceps Extension to Situp
Steel Mace Ballistic Curl
Elbow Plank Walk on Foam Roller
Slider Double Knee-in
Low Wood Chop
Cable Overhead Seated Crunch
Modified Side Plank
Weighted Plank
Hollow body hold
Eccentric Only Incline Push Up
Single-Leg Throw and Catch Transverse 1
Cross Crunch
High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension (rope extension)
Broom Stick Twist
Lever Lying Fly
Push Up to Side Plank
Bench Jack Knife
Cable Standing Twisting Crunch (single side)
Cable Bar Behind Neck Press