Adductors gifs
Sissy Squat (on apparatus)
Split Squat With Kettlebells
Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
Plank Twist (on stability ball)
Single Leg Hip Bridge
Split Squat
Lying Straight Leg Raise
Lever Bent-over Rear Kick
Lever Bent-over Leg Curl
Reverse Barbell Box Lunge
Lever Alternating Lying Leg Press
Lever Barbell Split Squat (plate loaded)
Lever Hack Squat (plate loaded)
Lever Alternating Seated Leg Press (plate loaded)
Machine Squat
Lever Alternating Lying Leg Curl
Lever Back Extension
Lying Neck Retraction Isometric
Single-leg Hip Thrust
Wall Squat
Single-Leg Squat Touchdown
Single-Leg Skater Squat
Lying Twist
Squat with Chains
Slow Jog
Single Leg Banded Hip Thrust
Single-Leg Squat To Box
Smith Machine Leg Press
Seated Leg Raise
Plie Slides
Lever Alternating Bent-over Leg Curl