Recumbent Stepper
Calves Glutes Other Quads
Side Kick Plank
Frog Burpee (Beginner)
Box Jump March
Weight band crab walks...all I can say is get ready for a serious burn ?? - - DM for details on my 3 Month Glute Building Program. I will
2 Handed Front Ready Forward Lunge Steel Club Exercise
Hollow, Hold and Roll
High Knee Jog
Staggered-Stance Good Morning
Wall Walk
Backward Run
Hip Extension Suspension Exercise
Cable Standing Hip Extension
Glute Foam Roll
BOSU Plate Pushup to Standing Raise
The Glute God - #SaturdayVibes
Sled Overhead Triceps Extension
Elliptical Cross-Trainer
Lever One Arm Press (plate loaded)
Weighted Sled Pull Sprint
Tread Climber
Single Leg Hop