League Of Legends gifs
Classic Silver Gank
Plat players are amazing
Graves' biggest counter is minions
Thank you Spectral Cutlass
I was in Playful Trickster
Yasuo Outplay
New Aatrox is alright with me
Zed Nexus Blitz penta
The long con
Cheesers never win!
Draven ARAM Penta
Why are adc players so stupid
Why are adc players so stupid 2
Glenn is my best bud haha 4
Neato prediction
Why are adc players so stupid 3
Yi Nexus Blitz penta
Why I am plat 3
Assassin Kayn ult one shot does 150 damage insanely overpowered
Why are adc players so stupid 6
Why are adc players so stupid 4
Kassadin Quadra Kill
I love Kayn 3
Glenn is my best bud haha 3
Why I am plat 2
Graves aram penta...
I love Fiora
Graves 1v4 unofficial Quadra Kill
Thanks Ranked
This Yas is a coward and I'm an idiot
I love Kled
Xerath Aram Penta
A Very Olaf Play 2
I love Talon 2
I love Kayn
I love Talon
Elo hell 6
I love Draven
Me Lee Sin me kill bot lane
I love Shaco
I love Shaco 2
Blue Team Wins This Game.
Armored Golem Avenges African Heritage Friend
I love Heimerdinger
I love Swain
Here Kitty Kitty
A Very Olaf Play
A good ARAM fight
AD Mundo is god
Garen having a breakdown
The new meta
A Good Teamfight 18
Glenn is my best bud haha 7
Adc frontline op
Jinx penta
Glenn is my best bud haha 6
irelia bot
jump man
League Of Legends gif