Chimaeras gifs
whacking you back
Dang it
Taking a drop
Meet my legs
Slowing down
Roll up
Moving from the ropes
Cough Cough
Arm drag
Taking you on a trip
Let me tag out too
Clapping Away
Taken Down by 2
While ref's not looking
Not so fast
Sent back down
One Two...Denied
Calling it as I see it
Fly like that
on a roll
Flipped out
A little hit
Not this time
A little taunting
Coming to the ring
Slam you down
Want my crutch?
Causing Damage
Ok then
Fly Away
Locking it up
Pin and he kicked out
Hit me w/ your best shot
Sent Flying
Oh come on
Roll up Attempt again
Flying and Jumping
Ref's the scapegoat
Take a drop
Feeling ready?
That Hard Hit
No Pinning me
You go to the corner
Flips Times Two
Some chops
Attacked twice
Corner bashed
Play Hard
Checking my arm
Feeling ready
Shall we continue?
Two Punches and hit to the gut