Dropping an iPhone XS Down Crazy Spiral Staircase 300 Feet - Will It Survive?
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Kamen Rider Wizard Haruto fights a monster unmorphed
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Survives, but is forced to retreat from the Power Blaster
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Kamen Rider Wizard keeps fighting after blast from Phoenix
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iPhone 7 Scratch test - BEND TEST - Durability video!
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Clothless Seiya tanks and shatters a massive boulder
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Kamen Rider takes massive blast then his mana being drained
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Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor
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Kamen Rider Wizard survives a barrage from Dragon to create DragoTimer
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Seiya launched high into the air from the bottom of the ocean
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Gatchaman Ken survives car being smashed around him
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Genesis Rhapsodos Breaks Sword and Cuts his own Shoulder
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Gatchaman Jun withstands rock to the face from explosion
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Gatchaman Ken weakened survives Car crash and fire
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Kamen Rider Wizard Infinity Style vs Philosopher's stone amped Gremlin
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Gatchaman Joe and Ken survive direct fire blast
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Gatchaman Ken and Jun smashed to the ground and dragged by motorboats
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Takes a blast from the Knasty Knight and his Blade Blaster reflected at him
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Gets back up after Tyrannosaurzord's Volcano Breath attack
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Sagittarius Seiya flies and blocks a blast from Mars
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Seiya comes back from Rising Billows and shatters Sea Horse Baian's shield
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Zack Fair vs Vajradhara Tai and Wu's Tomahawk Boomerang
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Tanks a blast that incap'd the other rangers and defeats the Fighting Flea
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Has a car thrown at him by Lizzinator and is fine
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Clothless Seiya gets punched by Deathmask and shrugs it off, then overpowers his kick
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Kamen Rider Wizard tanks smash from Gargoyle, then lift and throws him
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Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring
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Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it
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Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution
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