Dragon Ball FighterZ - A18/Trunks/Adult Gohan 6,6k 1bar
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Ki Charge combo - this combo steps on my hands like A18 steps on goku
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[TOD] A18, Hit, GokuSS - 0 Bar Sparking (Corner)
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5.2k 5H corner combo, builds 2 bars, 1 assist - A18
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I REALLY FUCKING HATE TJ COMBO - #DBFZ_A18 #DragonballfighterZ #DBFZ #DBFZTech You can go into the overhead for extra mix and confirm on hit
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I REALLY FUCKING HATE TJ COMBO - #DBFZ #DragonballfighterZ #DBFZ_A18 optimized block string with plenty of mixing @SpazztheHashTag
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5013 (6542 unscaled) midscreen C assist + ex 17 extension - A18
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My current max damage non sparking solo a18 cocmbo
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sparkless TOD 3.5 bar start - A18, Videl, Krillin
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sparking IAD crossup j.M after 2M for spacing - A18
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6 bar corner sparkless TOD - Videl, A18, Yamcha
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0 Bar meter positive 2H corner TOD - A18, Videl, Krillin
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214M post lvl 3 to deal with UI wakeup options - counter - A18
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