Steel Mace Ballistic Curl
Abs Back (Upper) Biceps Forearms Rotator Cuff Shoulders Steel Mace
Plank With Kettlebell Pass
Medicine Ball Chest Throw (with partner)
Floor Jacks
Decline Bench Cable Crunch
Cable Standing Incline Chest Press
Bent-Knee V-Up
Cable Bar Standing Incline Chest Press
One-Arm High-Pulley Cable Side Bends
Elbow Plank Walk on Foam Roller
Single Leg Zigzag Hop
Modified Side Plank
Cable Standing Twisting Crunch (single side)
Depth Push-up (on medicine ball)
BOSU Medicine Ball Plank
Side Reach Crunch
Twisting Decline Sit Up
Cable Lying Crunch (on stability ball)
Cable Standing Twisting Crunch
Weighted Crunch (plate on chest)
Bent-knee Lying Twist
Modified Pilates Rollup with Ball
Slider Double Knee-in
Body Bar Oblique Twist