Shatters the Crystal of Nightmares with one kick
jason lee scott mighty morphin' power rangers power rangers respect thread strength
Tyrannosaurs Dinozord keeps fighting after an assault, forms megazord
Thunder Slingers oneshot Super Putties
Tyrannosaurus dropkick
Knocks back Babe Rtuhless' attack
Has a car thrown at him by Lizzinator and is fine
Finally completes 1010 reps
Warrior Wheel Explanation
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Dragon Thunderzord and Warrior Mode
Peaceful Transition Of Power Mitt Romney Quote
Back to Action
Kamen Rider Geiz: Bibill Time Burst
Aragorn vs Nazgul LOTR 1.06 [HD 1080p]
Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff
Jason chances of Victory
Lipsyncher comparison
Power Weapons Explanation
Ninth Sense Seiya restores the universe and fights Apollo
Kamen Rider Geiz: BiBill Armour Henshin
Red Dragon Thunderord flying and using Tigerzord as a mount
Megazord Explanation
Red Armored Ranger defeats Polluticorn
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DINTEK Handheld Optical Power Meter