original: redgifs.com/watch/EntireMiniatureBarasingha
Something's Throbbing
The [G]olden Ratio's inherent in the jitterbugging cube-octahedron
Oh the orbs
Hope I'm not too [f]lat for you
(F)eel my curves
Deeper and [d]eeper
Feelin' [h]andsy
(F)alling into your arms
mood ring
here on my [t]ree...
[F]lashing my true colours
Cubic->Cubic [M]apping + [F]urry texture
Spinning t[r]efoil
Gonwild is leaking to [m]eatspace! [x-post from /r/geek]
[S]pinning in place
Pumping Desire
Twisting and Turning
Wh[i]te explosion
The Ac[t]
[T]able Dance
Beating [f]or you