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It's Treason Then

It's Treason Then

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"I Am The Senate" But Palpatine Is Wallace

"I Am The Senate" But Palpatine Is Wallace

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Good Soldiers Follow Orders

Good Soldiers Follow Orders

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Oh, my bones are aching! Star Wars

Oh, my bones are aching! Star Wars

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I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message.

I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message.

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Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete. Star Wars

Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete. Star Wars

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Twice the pride, double the fall. Star Wars

Twice the pride, double the fall. Star Wars

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Palpatine: A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one

Palpatine: A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one

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Palpatine: A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one

Palpatine: A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one

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No Capes

No Capes

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This is where the fun begins.

This is where the fun begins.

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Obi-Wan versus Vader

Obi-Wan versus Vader

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What happens to one of you will affect the other. You must understand this.

What happens to one of you will affect the other. You must understand this.

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We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close. Rogue one

We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close. Rogue one

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Pewdiepie gets reinforcments

Pewdiepie gets reinforcments

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