Morphin' Grid summons Jason to help the Dino Charge and Beast Morpher teams
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Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (4/10) Movie CLIP - I'm Bruce Lee (1993) HD
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Jason lifts and swings Zack and Kim hard enough to send Putties flying
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Somehow makes Bulk drop a pie with Sausage Nunchucks.
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Jason leads the team, despite Self confidence being drained by the Crystal
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Power of Gold interfere's with the power chamber and is "Clear off the Scale"
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Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix
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Beats down Z putties and oneshots Three with a kick
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Uses the itching curse he's under to his advantage
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Does over 1000 reps again, before being interrupted
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Takes a blast from the Knasty Knight and his Blade Blaster reflected at him
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Gets back up after Tyrannosaurzord's Volcano Breath attack
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Uses Power Coin to summon/Signal MMPR and Dino Thunder teams
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Shatters the Crystal of Nightmares with one kick
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