Hamstrings gifs
Glorious Glutes ? Ode’ to all the ASSholes ? who say I Edit my pics... watch it and Weep!! That Body n Booty???is all Hard work n Dedic
jaaclynnnn - Curvy Blonde Baby pt3
jaaclynnnn - Curvy Blonde Baby pt1
jaaclynnnn - Curvy Blonde Baby pt2
Perverted Gym Instructor
Double Kettlebell Overhead Walk
Sled Row
American Deadlift
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
Split Jump
Plate Push
Smith Machine Zercher Squat
Single Leg Hip Bridge
Seated Hip Abductor External Rotation
Hanging Leg Raises: Beginner To Advanced
Seated Leg Press
Seated Glute Stretch
Seated Leg Curl
Single Leg Romanian Row
Snatch Deadlift
Lying Prone Quads
Seated Glute Stretch (Partner assisted)
Leg day done=7 days without stress until the next time hahaha???
Front Box Squat
Dumbbell Squat To Shoulder Press
Single Leg Hip Bridge Pulse
Forward and Backward Leg Swings
Marching Hip Raise
Smith Machine Leg Press
Single-Leg Hip Raise
Forward Kick Through
Smith Good-morning
Lever Standing Leg Curl (on leg extension)
Good Morning using Bodyweight
Sled Overhead Triceps Extension