MMC after my bus driver thinks he owns the ....railroad ?
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MMC after I headbutt a concrete pole and get paralyzed
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MMC after this brand new tractor drives over me
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MMC after a rescue chopper tips over because of the wind and take me out
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MMC after I get caught between the wheels of a FedEx trailer and dragged
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MMC after my truck disintegrates after I crash into a building
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MMC after I don’t look both ways before I cross the street
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MMC after I get rear ended in a wheelchair in a tunnel
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MMC after i went back inside my burning factory to retrieve my phone
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MMC after I'm sideswiped into the path of another car
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MMC after this car decides to drive straight into me
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MMC after husband comes home and finds me with his wife. (Aktau)
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MMC after I get hit by a truck and launched into a pole
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MMC after I have a seizure after crashing into a scooter
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MMC after a hitman interrupts us while chatting
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MMC after I'm accidentally shot during a training exercise
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MMC after I fail to wait for my light to turn green
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MMC after my car gets folded between two trucks
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MMC after people not knowing hot to drive in their own lane
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Mmc after I light a firecracker and a van runs me over.
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MMC after i crash my scooter and my heart falls out and continues to beat on the road
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MMC after i get skinned alive all while having my neck and bones severed whilst being kept alive.
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MMC after I go inside a rock grinder before turning it off
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