D League gifs
vi titfuck side
Tornado OP
Instant Qiyana triple kill
Taliyah Golems bug example 2
Baron boom
Tank Sylas
8-2 NA1-2708815711 02
Galaxy Brain Yone Ult
Just a boy and his clone <3
10-13 BR1-1987960512 02
Volibear PseudoPenta URF
mf tentacles1 below
10-10 NA1-3431983601 01
A Good Teamfight 13
A Good Teamfight 15
A Good Teamfight 16
A Good Teamfight 3
Yi Yummi big outplays
TSM vs LGD - Group Stage Day 4
Being Supportive
10-10 NA1-3424516360 01
Xin Zhao Comeback
Dunkmaster Darius Login Screen (Unfinished)
Riven Sup Play 2
cya key
Sup diff!!!
Riven 1v5 Penta
Fog of War Suprise
AP Jhin 1 Shots Leona
TFT - Ahri is OP
Necessary dunk
A Good Teamfight 4
Maokai Outplay
Sylas outplay
A Good Teamfight 7
A Combo
A Good Teamfight
A Good Teamfight 2
Absolutely dunked, totally dismantled
Always flash to the side
Mundo Penta
10-7 NA1-3376558178 04
2nd rengar penta of s11
A Good Teamfight 6
Best wukong 200iq
Go home, Brother.
Nice try Malphite, Id call that an outplay.
A Good Teamfight 5
Qiyana ult triple kill
Quadra kill on Qiyana (almost ace)
1-14-21 neeko tp double
Samira Penta
When Double Exhaust Just is not Enough