Watch Technoelf's Overwatch video: Let's Test This Out! -
overwatch potg tracer
blink tracer blink_17-09-18_00-20-18
tracer _17-10-04_23-30-57
first tracer potg 18-02-18 18-40-51
nutty tracer kill 18-07-20 21-25-50
tracer potg 3 17-12-02 02-39-32
tracer triple 18-02-06 20-20-51
tracer is dumb 18-02-01 17-24-52
jiae's highlight 18-01-27 13-07-44
tracer zzzz 19-06-02 22-50-59
vyrocious's highlight 18-01-31 17-13-11
tracer suicide 18-02-02 00-07-11
rein 2k fucking kek at tracer 18-07-28 03-58-03
tracer headshot x2 18-05-29 23-55-47
i still got it as tracer 18-04-04 01-27-16
tracer the bomb dot com 17-11-12 01-56-02
tracer got fucked 18-08-31 22-35-35
tracer directs 18-06-12 17-58-38
tracer ult can fuck off 18-02-27 17-03-40
tracer 3k 20-11-21 00-43-42
wut 18-04-25 16-49-10
ana nutty tracer sleep 18-03-31 18-50-16
they call me the tracer killer 18-02-10 09-07-58
Tracer Rightclick
emi's highlight 18-01-14 14-54-08