Cassie, Rich in Spirit
Repaying all those treats
Trying it on for size
Can't believe he fell for it
Mark, Well Rested
Satisfied Customers
Mick, Roommate with Benefits
Terry / Jen, Friends With Benefits
Continued bridesmaid fun
Marty, sometimes Alyssa, Maintaining a Reputation
New Tricks
Albert, now Samantha, Never Give Up
X-Change - John, Mom's Daughter #gender
Cole/Colleene, Constantly Craving
Rebeccah, formerly Ray, Planned Parenthood
Marcus, Guaranteed Satisfaction
Deception begets deception
Jessica - Losing a Pussy, Gaining Everything
Completely Risk-Free
This depravity must be outlawed.
Ryan/Rianna, a Catfish Come True
Kirstie, formerly Christian, Human Scratching Post
X-Change - Mark, Now Maddie
Max, Hook, Line, and Sinker
Brandon, Making Some Deductions