Sandbag Turkish Getup
Abs Biceps Calves Glutes Hamstrings Other Quads Shoulders Triceps
A n n a B a i l e y
Cable One Arm Incline Push
Bench Jack Knife
A b i g a i l M o n r o e
dono ab 100 maybe
Lunge with Side Bend
Frog Jumps
Medicine Ball Rotational Throw
O l i v i a B e r z i n c
Exercise Ball Lateral Raise
AB de Villiers off drive
I s a b e l l e J o r d a n
Bent-Knee V-Up
Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Over
Decline Leg Raise With Hip Thrust
S a b r i n a J a d e
Lying Alternate Floor Leg Raise
G r a c e E l i s a b e t h
Exercise Ball Barbell Press
Lever Seated Side Leg Raise Crunch (plate loaded)
Modified Side Plank