Shaolin Monks - Tele Spam
Deception - Hara-Kiri
Afterlife - Shot Up 1
Deadly Alliance - Ground Ice
MK9 - Vicinity Blast
Defenders - Episode 4 Skin Deep - Slide
AoS - Yasutsuna
MKX - Where'd You Go
DoS - Slogra
TROS - Gas Tank
8 - Beaten by wrasslers
X8 - Charged Drift Diamond
MK3 - Fatality 2
MK9 - Scatterbrained Vita
Annihilation - Jump and Kick
E70 - Erectsperience
Carries a Knife
E5 - Agility
Defenders - Episode 2 Sting of the Scorpion - Anatomy Lesson
MKX - Soul Ball
MKX - Sword Steal
Bat Summon
MK11 - Edenian Razors
MK11 - Deflects but Stabbed