Alice, loves her brother
Chantelle, Off-Label Benefits
Carol, Narcissist
Beth, first experience convincing enough!
A Ruined Vacation
X-Change - Alex - You'll learn to love it...
Johanna, The Landlords Girlfriend
-Denali, formerly Dashawn, Nobody Is Safe Anymore
My Wife Was Right
The Reward
Swingers Holiday 1/2
Samantha, relaxing after work
Barry, Bewitched by the Barmaid
Mike/Michelle, Coming to conclusions
X-Change Pink - Performance Enhancing Drug
Henry, Fulfilling Femdom Fantasies
Ismael/Isabelle, a Plus Pill Pickup
Mason, Helping Those In Need
Daniel, Keeping Family Safe
Charles, the Summer Cumdump
I caught my roommate stealing my purple pills... or should I say HE caught me!
Lucy, Bored Babysitter
Kim, Loving Pain
Expert Negotiator [Simone pt2]
The X-Change Company Likes To Make Money Anyway They Can