ashe brigitte 18-12-01 18-58-08
mace to the face 18-05-05 09-59-45
cinderking's highlight 18-08-26 22-27-34
denydragoneat 18-05-20 15-44-08
psychonormy's highlight 18-06-08 16-03-18
orzryl's highlight3 18-03-25 13-55-28
brigitte lel 18-05-02 19-56-06
sniped 18-05-24 21-23-16
[NUEVA HEROÍNA – PRÓXIMAMENTE] Historia de origen de Brigitte Overwatch
val02's highlight 18-05-16 08-29-53
thørinn's highlight 18-05-23 20-51-27
brigitttaaaaa 18-05-11 00-16-03
bye bastion 18-04-29 13-43-03
Brigitte learns from her mom [Overwatch]
bladesqueen's highlight 18-03-23 08-11-30
kaocticv2727's highlight 18-10-17 15-47-26
Brig it on again! ♥
2 Minute countdown generic
Overwatch 03.28.2018 -
briggetjoe saves the day 18-03-24 15-26-18
чисто разнес всех на бри жи те 18-05-03 22-45-49
raidbaws's highlight brigitte2 18-03-26 19-33-09
Developer Update | Introducing Brigitte | Overwatch