accidentally'd your tracer 18-04-12 07-30-46
hanzo shits on tracer never seen before
tracer dm pulse stick 18-01-12 22-13-43
rip tracer 18-03-07 01-01-58
tracer 17-11-01 22-28-57
potg tracer 19-07-20 17-05-17
rekt tracer 17-11-07 16-42-46
tracer hs 17-12-14 23-27-32
bye bye tracer 18-04-29 18-00-55
tracer flick xd 18-02-27 01-13-12
tracer's highlight 18-01-14 18-19-00
Almost forgot being cocky with the spray
rip that tracer 17-12-15 13-57-42
녹화 2017 12 31 21 49 52 160
tracer pulse bomb quad kill potg 17-09-23 04-17-05
Tracer Dash-Melee
tracer quad bomb 18-01-23 16-49-05
tracer bomb reflection 18-02-03 22-37-53
killing tracer while my ping shat itself 17-12-22 16-58-59
Can you see the Tracer?
tracer ult_17-10-06_20-36-06
tracer 18-05-13 16-58-51
catching a tracer 18-01-09 20-53-25
174 1856469 Overwatch WooleyWorld animated tracer
tracer flick 18-03-07 00-40-16