Party Hard: Whenever a cunt talks about throwing a party Civilisation LLP advises all men to attend... even if you're not invited. The cunt will be a warm and satisfying host... even if she doesn't want to be.
Party Hard: Whenever a cunt talks about throwing a party Civilisation LLP advises all men to attend... even if you're not invited. The cunt will be a warm and satisfying host... even if she doesn't want to be.
Maybe she's made for it, maybe it's... no, she's a cunt; of course she was made for it.
view porn gifA Neglected Cunt is a Naughty Cunt. As the holiday season ends please make use of your cunts, not just lock them away and forget about them.
view porn gifEducating Salize Episode 9: Civilisation LLP's look at the changing society of Salize under the Natural Order. In this episode watch how Staff/Student conflicts within the University are now solved under the Natural Order.
view porn gifSome advice for /u/Tie_me_tess... rather than trying to save your friend, maybe you should try and save yourself. Too late for that now though. I'll be seeing you once my plane lands and the guards are done with you...
view porn gifRole Reversal: It's not just the private sector thrown into chaos by these changes. Even prisons are becoming chaotic.
view porn gifIt's a trap! One of the FRA cunts may have escaped the last time but she doesn't seem to have learned her lesson yet. Perhaps this time she will...
view porn gifDuty of Care: Civilisation LLP would like to remind Guardians of "free" women that "free" or not one of your duties is to ensure she does not forgot what her position in this world really is...
view porn gifRetraining the FRA: After Dinner Entertainment. Watch as Civilisation LLP put the fully trained cunt to work pleasing our posh party guests (with the help of a friend...)
view porn gifSometimes, even ordinary citizens are lucky enough to capture feminists for themselves
view porn gifSo sources tell me that at least one traitor is trying to infiltrate into FRA territory. Our border security operatives will get the truth out of her if they find her.
view porn gifHands Off My Property! In the current climate it was only a matter of time before property rights started being violated. A Civilisation LLP owned cunt is *not* a free-woman to be reclassified and you are *not* free to use her without my permission.
view porn gifOn the Run: FRA Operative Dee managed to escape her captor and flee the badlands. Unfortunately she ran right into a military squad on a training mission alongside their duty cunt.
view porn gifCunts are naturally deceitful. Civilisation LLP advises every man to pay close attention to make sure "punishments" don't end up simply being what the cunt really craves.
view porn gifTo prevent future acts of disobedience make sure you stage early interventions whenever possible
view porn gifEducating Salize Episode 1: Civilisation LLP's look at the changing society of Salize under the Natural Order. In this episode watch how former students treat their one time professor.
view porn gifProtesting carries a price. Don't think just because you're in the US you can screech about the Empire and not face the consequences.
view porn gifEducating Salize Episode 3: Civilisation LLP's look at the changing society of Salize under the Natural Order. In this episode watch how uppity cunts who bring demands or requests to the university Board of Regents are now treated.
view porn gifA Cunt is for Life, not just for Cuntmas. In this season of giving Civilisation LLP urges you all to dispose of unwanted presents in a responsible way rather than just using them and leaving them in the snow. Warning: Edgeplay.
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