This twink has a hidden surprise
Tender touch, big cock head
Tight and glistening
Even in silhouette you can see how tight my skin is
Tall thin man, healthy thick cock
There's a cock in your window here to wake you up
Are you peeping in my window?
Creased hips, fat cock
My favorite cock ring and rope gives me that balls-feel feeling [VOB's Cock Harness with 55mm ID Steel Ring]
Foolin around on vacation, any locals nearby?
At bit more variety than your normal beat off
Rock climber's arms
I want it all, give me all the orgasms...
Quivering cock
Sprawled on the bed
My cock is so anxious to cum
Vase mode translucent PETG, male anatomy commission [that's a penis]
Sometimes I think I'm all legs
Shine my cock
My dripping mushroom tip
Polished to a shine
Tip focus