Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 5.02.42 PM
(143919) Charlize Theron telling how she likes it in Long Shot (2019)
just a riptire shot
Desktop | Shot with GeForce GTX
Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 3.26.08 PM
shots upon shots 18-01-26 12-20-12
Hanzo 5k 7 shots
Shot 7: lilChury
no useless shot 17-12-14 12-11-19
Warframe Shot with GeForce
hook shot 18-04-17 21-49-33
get cocky get shot 18-09-17 23-40-38
Trick Shot Execution (New Bale Bundle)
Tracking Shots-Examples
Composite Shot 1
Fisk One Shot
Getting in a shot
that last shot 17-11-27 16-48-06
3 shot 3 hs 18-10-18 00-31-04
4 Shots 3 Plane Kills
one shot
Decent sks shot
3 shots 19-08-01 07-18-36