Check out my video! League of Legends | Captured by Outplayed
Gaming Irelia Kill League of Legends Outplayed
2398997-League of Legends-Luxanna Crownguard-PoppyTart-animated
Check out my video! League of Legends | Captured by Overwolf
Akali double kill
9-2 NA1-2969732095 01
8-11 NA1-2801367178 01
9-13 NA1-3083905453 03
This is why I was bronze once 2
8-7 NA1-2756672676 02
Thresh hits those
League of Legends (TM) Client 11 25 2017 11 25 24 PM
Cuddle - What a fag (Boondock Saints)
League of Legends (TM) Client 2020-02-07 15-15-24
Shaco outplay
League of Legends 2020.03.19 -
10-8 KR-4319481541 01
Blind Geometry 2
The Kingslayer - Game of Thrones (Season 1)
Jinx doggystyle - League Of Legends - kreamu
9-4 NA1-2983583386 01
Just because I am 4-9 does not mean you can facecheck me
8-7 EUW1-3593917846 04
8-9 NA1-2783014553 01
This is why I was bronze once
MF Dick