MKX - Ground Pulse
Goal 4: Pulse Rabo
pulse quad 18-01-24 22-39-57
180 pulse bomb on rein 18-01-20 21-53-24
900iq pulse bomb_17-09-25_17-24-46
Nuclear Reactor Pulse
nutty pulse mid air 18-03-28 16-54-58
Pulse check 2
trace quad kill pulse bomb 18-03-18 22-32-23
S19 Consulate - Pulse - 2k with c4
pulse c4 not working thing
3k pulse bomb - 66 elim game 18-01-01 22-22-43
pulse deflect
Triple Pulse Bomb 18-02-19 20-54-33
pulse for tony 18-03-06 22-38-45
thick pulse 18-02-10 16-09-14
block pulse brig
Vandyvape Pulse BF KIT, Yes Finally a kit and new colors
best pulse bomb 18-02-23 16-55-49
big pulse 18-03-05 21-45-13
pulse bomb double 18-03-29 23-07-58
mercy pulse dodge 18-05-02 01-37-16