when you're telling the bus driver you missed your stop
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Rare behind the scenes footage of a special effects guy moving an Ent around on the set of 'The Lord of the Rings'.
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When you find concrete proof of the existence of bigfoot and you realise Sir David Attenborough could be the one to narrate your life story.
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Trying to read a sign when you’re not wearing your glasses
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That look of concentration when you take the time to choose the ripest watermelon.
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When your dad whispers a dirty joke in your ear so your mum doesn't overhear
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When your roommate breaks your didgeridoo so you take up drumming instead.
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Checking if the person in front really has 10 items or less.
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When you're trapped by the incoming tide and you shout for help.
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The surreptitious sniff after you've just had a nice deep scratch.
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When the effects from that dodgy curry you had last night kick in but the toilet is already occupied.
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When your bro snatches the remote and changes the channel
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