Blocking and strikes
jason lee scott mighty morphin' power rangers mmpr red ranger skill
Alongside Zack, Dances around Bulk and Skull
This was pretty crazy
Pegasus Seiya spots opening that lasts "a mere fraction of a second"
Castor 5v1 Chau Clippers
Why I have an Obsidian Crossbow
Nioh 2 Sword New Skills
Seiya, while weakened, hits Shiryu in the exact spot to restart his heart (3)
Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix
Sam Fisher Gun Skill 2
Bruno Fernandez goal
Goal 1: Minimally Skilled
FIFA 21 - He has been dunked.
Nioh 2 Splitstaff New Skills
Forever Red Trashing Cogs
Zordon calls Jason a "fine leader"
Pegasus Seiya attacks improve every time he uses them.
Has advantage over Commander Crayfish
Nioh 2 Dual Sword New Skills
Ultimate Mood Changer is Here
Pegasus Seiya hits Shiryu's weakpoint.