Afternoon fuck
Hotel showers are the bomb
Some hotel room stroking
Just my nightly ablutions.
Got worked up mid day ??♂️
A slow start to a great fuck
He rode it well
My pre-clothing morning routine
Trying a new angle with a new toy
Just some naked time
Always helpful to have a cameraman
College senior (21) letting me give it to him
Morning wood
Sliding into him
Good hygiene. So important.
Sliding into things other than his DMs
Showering ??
Love when a bottom (25) knows how to take a vigorous fucking from me
College kid with a tight, hairy ass
Waiting for my turn
Sundays always pump me up
This is me being productive with my weekend
Up close...and personal
Getting naked
Made this to check my form, but kind of liked how my ass looks. Squats are paying off?