Nicholas, a Pleased Palate
Ben, a Blackballed Businessman
Danny, Unexpected Outcome (2/2)
Bryan/Brandi, Best in the Business
Jack, Happy Cousin
Pete, better known as Foxxy, Center of Attention
Scott, a Weekend at the Yacht Club
A new Ho?
Craig, Beyond My Control
-Martin, Winning The Arguments
Michelle, formerly, Michael, Permanent Employment
Martin, A Lengthy Debate
Birthday Surprise!
Danny (now Danielle), My roommate will never know...
Conrad/Connie, the team's real Star
Luke, the Laundry Slut
Jason, Royal Flush
His stepson's new girlfriend
Anna, formerly Ryan, Taking It Slow
Sophie, can't go back
Punishing the mean girl
Cherry, Three Strikes Rule
Ben, a harmless dream about his brother...
Bella, Loving Girlfriend