that last shot 17-11-27 16-48-06
Getting in a shot
Desktop | Shot with GeForce GTX
3 shot 3 hs 18-10-18 00-31-04
4 Shots 3 Plane Kills
one shot
Decent sks shot
3 shots 19-08-01 07-18-36
A shot
Maanvi Gagroo - Four More Shots Please
Goal 6: ✪ ۞H۞E۞A۞D۞SHOTS OP
John's Pre Flip Ceiling Shot
grapple shot 18-02-01 18-44-27
BRUJERIA - CHRISTI (Official Music Video) - Shot By AIRBORNFILMZ
Shot cups
Action shot for my first post
lucky one shot bomber from sidecar
solo shot
when you can only hit shots 3 secons apartd_17-10-08_09-08-13
I shot first
BOOM Head-shot!
One of my Luckiest Shots Ever
Momakase One Shotting
Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 2.01.09 PM