Awaken (ft. Valerie Broussard) | League of Legends Cinematic - Season 2019
Awaken CG Irelia Karma Kennen League MOBA akali brossard brussard cinematic ionia jhin lol noxus piltover riot sion trailer yasuo
8-11 NA1-2804689445 04
7-24 EUN1-1861362888 03
9-11 EUW1-4062094744 01
8-16 OC1-216731633 06
9-13 NA1-3083204900 01
League of Legends 2020.03.29 -
10-3 EUW1-4401975913 01
Kin Penta
8-5 NA1-2740235848 05
League of Legends Leona main btw
9-21 NA1-3190595022 01
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8-5 NA1-2744501486 01
League of Legends 05-27-2020 0-21-51-406
8-6 NA1-2747794265 01
10-8 LA2-828264363 02
9-11 EUW1-4054759384 01
9-13 NA1-3083970420 03
League of Legends 2020.05.29 - Trim
9-8 NA1-3029134072 01
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9-5 NA1-2999315869 03
Why Jungling sucks in trash elo