symmetra 18-05-24 23-21-35
overwatch symmetra
symmetra 18-03-17 14-38-06
Watch perrosvik's Overwatch video: Play of the game as Symmetra -
youthhermit's highlight 18-03-10 01-10-27
aesthethicc's highlight 19-04-02 15-16-18
symmetra potg ch 1 17-12-16 00-19-25
uh ok 18-12-08 00-24-43
sym is bugged 18-06-05 23-17-30
symmenace 18-06-02 21-07-29
vulpinis highlight 19-02-03 16-23-05
Overwatch - Symmetra B1Bw
400iq symmetra potg 18-05-17 00-49-07
symmetra 19-10-27 21-23-42
zespy's highlight 18-05-13 23-38-06
lame sym play 2 17-07-28 22-51-29
symmetra 19-09-16 21-02-38
You think I'm going to take this lying down?
triple orb kill potm 18-01-10 02-16-59
Get off symmetra*
Team kill >.>
leonsilvis's highlight 18-04-13 19-56-01
Symmetra - Destoying the entire enemy team