To get her promotion she had to drink all the staffs thick stream of piss
To get her promotion she had to drink all the staffs thick stream of piss
She had to reenact how slavery was back in the day..she was caught in a piss bukkake while acting for her class. This is how slaves was treated ..fuckin degrading
view porn gifShe was trying to workout with her trainer but they turned her into their anal urinal for the training session and was taught to shoot piss in the air from her asshole ..fuckin degrading
view porn gifAll of her bosses tested to see how much piss she can swallow in order for her to pass the Piss test. Her parents must be proud of her.
view porn gifIn the college dorm room they made her gargle all the guys piss that’s in her class. Fuckin degrading
view porn gifShe ended up going into the wrong bathroom but the buys wouldn’t let her leave. The men’s urinal was out of order so all 9 guys used her ass as a fuckin piss urinal. Fuckin degrading
view porn gifBirthday celebration ended with a fuckin piss shower from all 9 guys. Fuckin degrading way to celebrate.
view porn gifShe needed to get baptized so all the 7 priest from the church gave her a degrading baptism. They all used their piss as holy water. A Fuckin degrading baptism.
view porn gifShe was playing naked twister with her guy friends. With no bathroom to piss in they used her fuckin mouth as a urinal. All 4 men pissed in her fuckin mouth at the same time. Fuckin degrading
view porn gifShe needed to get a dna sample from her past boyfriends to determine who her kid father is. They gave her urinal samples for their dna. Shooting their piss all in her fuckin mouth. She still couldn’t figure it out. Fuckin degrading
view porn gifThe guys wanted to play baseball but needed a pitcher so she volunteered to be the pitcher so they used her asshole to pitch.
view porn gifThe beach house shower was out of order and she needed to wash off so the guys shot their piss on her so she can wash off..fuckin degrading
view porn gifIt was her birthday so as a surprise the guys used her as a Fuckin toilet for all the guys to piss in. It was a fuckin degrading party.
view porn gifShe had a degrading time at the bar. Her mouth was the only thing being used like a fuckin urinal.
view porn gifThe guys helped her quench her thirst for fuckin piss. They gathered around and sprayed her face with thick stream of fuckin piss
view porn gifShe hung out with her guy friends all day that she wanted to know who’s fuckin piss taste better. So they all shot their piss right in her fuckin mouth…
view porn gifThe guys in acting school had to demonstrate what they did back in the day to a black female slave mouth. They all use her mouth as target practice shooting their hot piss in her fuckin mouth. Fuckin degrading back then I guess
view porn gifShe needed a money from the loan officers. In order to qualify she had to drink their thick fuckin piss right in her fuckin mouth like a toilet drain. She got the loan.
view porn gifThe shower broke at the house where she was staying with a bunch of black guys. The guys helped her out with the shower issue. All six men gave her a fuckin piss shower she’ll never forget
view porn gifThe guys celebrated her birthday with a fuckin piss shower. A fuckin degrading celebration.
view porn gifPoor girl had to repent for her past sins. So all the priest used her as a fuckin boys football locker room bathroom urinal …showering her with holy piss …fuckin degrading repenting
view porn gifThe guys from her class bullied her into a fuckin brutal gangbang making her drink their fuckin piss..Fuckin degrading
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