original: redgifs.com/watch/MediocreSlushyAfricanporcupine
wave's highlight eichpog 17-11-24 11-19-06
Spear wave
Leave him there
Brawling in the ring
Taken down again
Dahyun wave (180726, DTNA MV Commentary)
Tagging in
201130 Winter wave
It 2017, Pennywise waving with cut off arm
Janel Parrish - 1
Longitudinal Waves on a Slinky
wave goodbye 18-02-21 15-51-56
mines and wave 18-12-24 23-17-21
jiwon waving
jian wave
wave's highlight_17-08-21_12-58-55
send help
Sara's Waves
Corey Wave
Twice Dahyun Wave (Vlive, 200614)