Do you like sweaters with a high collar?
Batman won the poll :P
Little brother why do you want to look under my skirt so badly? =)
bust a move
bikini is too much clothes, I should rather undress
Superman or Batman or Martha =)
Can you handle me? =)
whoa, so tight, fits me?
i heard total black outfits in top now
jiggly things make something hard ;D
I will not speak without my avacado :P
black and nothing more
be gentle please, no rush, we have much time )
love big bananas :D
surprize in the end =)
same body, different dress. I know you love it :D
ok, ok you win, here is your prize =P
Sometimes want to be little girl =)
love hot night dresses for home =P
summer is already over, but I haven't tried all my dresses =)