The Ornn Dance
Funny League of Legends Ornn Ornn Gameplay Riot Games
Riven Quadra
9-13 EUW1-4086010402 01
They tried so hard
Irelia Triple
League of Legends 04-30-2018 14-23-01-761
League of Legends (TM) Client 2020-05-08 19-14-44
Check out my video! League of Legends | Captured by Outplayed
9-19 NA1-3162512905 02
8-19 NA1-2880175938 01
9-11 EUW1-4047944138 02
League of Legends 11-15-2017 21-05-26-346
8-12 NA1-2812821912 01
League of Legends 08.24.2017 -
8-5 NA1-2743466051 01
10-4 NA1-3304955714 07
Kai'sa Quadra Kill - Ace
8-12 JP1-175371857 04
eskimokisses Playing League of Legends - Twitch Clips
9-8 EUW1-4000960476 01
7-3 EUW1-3070350359 01
10-7 EUN1-2438823334 01
8-9 NA1-2778319265 03
9-19 NA1-3159754503 01