Medicine Ball Situp
Abs Medicine Ball
S a b r i n a J a d e
A n n a B a i l e y
A b b y P o w e l l
Dumbbell Push up
Standing External Rotation
abed's highlight 20-06-24 00-14-29
Crouching Tiger
G r a c e E l i s a b e t h
Diagonal Band Walk
Cable Bar Standing Incline Chest Press
Barbell Rollout from Bench
Front Squat (weightlifting style)
Split Squat Medicine Ball Rotational Throw
Twisting Lying Cable Crunch
Single-Arm Cable Row and Rotation
Agility Ladder In-In-Out-Out
Transverse Lunge
Weighted Incline Sit-up
Sphinx Push Up
Burpee with 180 Twist