Brent, going threesome crazy as Brenda
blonde boobs sex threesome xchange
Andy (usually Alice), quit the daily grind
Milo, gaining a new roommate as Mia
Cooper (currently Cass), travel buddy
Ezra, totally regretting his decisions as Eden
Dan, used in his uncle's fantasy
Diana, different person on the pill
Elsie, finally getting to sleep with clients
Riley, the replacement loser
Alex, "keep sucking"
Phil, Soon To Be Phillipa, Worth The Side Effect
Bryce, definitely bringing Bowsette back soon
Jeb, spending a lot of time with her roommate as Jessa
Ryan (Riley a lot recently), mending a broken heart
Jace, pleasantly mistaken as Jessie
Robert, could get used to this as Reagan
Elijah, a cum covered criminal as Ellie
Oliver, never did end up complaining as Olive
Darren, getting to be herself as Delilah
Garret, roommate replaces dildo as Gabbie
Keesha, still entertaining
Ed, not getting called gay anymore
Failing to keep his ego in check
Eric, found his X-Change Girl
Hal, sticking it out as Helen