Floor T Raise
Back (Upper) Bodyweight Shoulders Traps
original: redgifs.com/watch/LankyChiefCheetah
20200715 161625
Cumming Clean
Cable Twisting Standing Overhead Pull
One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch
High-Pull Burpee with Dumbbells
Overhead Barbell Shrug
Dumbbell Scaption
Lever Seated Gripless Shrug
Double Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Double DB Power Snatch
Suitcase Kettlebell Deadlift
Freestyle Swim
Snatch Balance
Barbell Shrug
Single Arm Landmine Push Press
Overhead Plate Walking Lunge
Goblet Carry
One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise
High Hip Ape
TRX Face Pull to Row
Cable Inner Chest Press
Hinge Hopper