Broke up with my girlfriend. Which cutie is gonna replace her ?
Hey cutie scrolling by.. my hand got tired..
don't let this cock flop pls :(((
~Hello to the cuties scrolling by ?
A gift ONLY for you to enjoy ?
Oh hello people sorting by hot :))
A little present for those cuties sorting by new
To the 9 cuties sorting by new ?
To the 10 cuties sorting by new ?
Would you like a taste?
Can i have a hug.. or a pounding ??
First time posting such explicit content??(umm excuse the twitching)
Catch it if u can hehe
Better than a real girl
Keep ur eyes on it. I swear im not tryingg to hypnotise u ?
He is excited to see you!
U are not gonna let me do it all by myself will u?
No u are not on the wrong r/. I am indeed a boy
Do you even deserve this cock?
Go ahead. Im not gonna wait all day
I think it might be calling for your mouth ?
Umm excuse the shaky camera?
What comes to mind when watching me like that?
*Insert spring sound*