vaevy's highlight 18-11-22 20-32-09
highlight overwatch symmetra
symmetra into kei ching ulti 4man 18-02-24 21-46-26
why symmetra is balanced 18-02-21 21-59-43
when nobody paid any attention to symmetra 20-07-19 00-09-46
sym snipzz 18-08-02 23-00-07
picklequeen's highlight 18-01-17 16-23-21
symetra potg 19-06-17 19-41-34
evil 19-04-30 01-01-18
aimbot 18-01-19 00-26-17
sym5k 19-03-12 13-03-30
I miss this shit
derfloh42s highlight 19-08-11 19-23-44
feels good man 18-12-02 00-40-46
Symmetra riding (Gener@L_Butch/GeneralButch)
have a seat
my turrets are in there 19-02-17 19-46-12
why did you go in 18-09-21 23-09-54
sym gay 17-12-31 22-07-29
Symmetra Butt Job
softboibtw's highlight 19-01-27 16-52-32
hypnotoad's highlight 19-07-28 19-54-59
quackattack's highlight 18-03-02 20-46-08
Symmetra Slurp
Symmetra Exploration