Lolllllll got em
monster hunter world
IG velkh finisher
zsd damage
고인물의 세계는 뭔가 무서웠다
"Ha! You missed the wall." "I wasn't aiming for the wall."
Andddd you're dead
Goldian evasion mantle
jumping over ice beam
Get countered BIIIIIITCHHH
final 60038d181c94100104cb35c0 636960
SA goldian
Rise Iai Spirit Slash into Spirit Combo
Odo savage axe dunk
Spirit Helmbreaker
Greatsword - Monster Hunter Rise
turf war landslide
Ruiner cheese
radobaan gets TCS'd
Clutch Claw recovery
silverlos swaxe
Rise Longsword Dodge Recovery
Don't try me while I still have time on the clock
1 combo horn break
Kain Soma slain HR Gammoth