Giving a gift to a cat, only to be rejected :(
Duck greeting
He's the luckiest owner to have this dog.
Just look at those eyes ?
My cat is known for her arm flops. So I recorded some more for you. Hope you enjoy it!
Big dog knows who's the best (xpost /r/aww)
We tried it too
Cozy Sunday’s
Good Boy For Life
Trying to do work, but my assistant has other ideas...
My beautiful old lady lily loves a fuss. She'll be 15 next month
How A Stylish Corgi Removes Her 'Doggles' !
victoria (victoriabrono) 4
Not mine, but from r/aww
aww yis 17-11-30 23-18-27
Blind dog playing fetch!
How can someone not love this.
Baby Khajit
People of r aww, even if you do not like reptiles... Y'all need to see this!
I will not let go
Cmon lets play.
Our stubborn pink nose refusing to admit he has outgrown his kitten house